Get To Know Us!

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are good friends and neighbors. We are in every community. We are a part of our families, our schools, our businesses, our houses of worship.

We have dreams, just like you. Some of us are great students and can’t wait to graduate from college. Some of us are eager for a good job. We like all kinds of music and hate when our favorite team loses. We worry about our future, our health, and whether our favorite show will get canceled. We can’t wait to move out on our own, fall in love, and get married. We have things that make us unique, and things we have in common— just like everyone else—and with the right help almost anything is possible.

Read on to learn more about people with IDD.

People with IDD make great employees.

Say Yes!








Meeting us is easy. 

Say Hi!







We want to feel valued, fall in love, and achieve our dreams.

It’s Possible!